Welcome to the league. Our league was established in 1989 for players 55 years of age and older.
Here are a few things you’ll need to know.....
Players are eligible the year of their 55th birthday. Both men and women are welcome. You should be physically fit, in reasonably good health with no physical limitations which would make your participation dangerous to yourself or others. If in doubt, contact your physician.
We play twice a week, Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Games typically start at 10 a.m. and last about two hours. We ask players to arrive an hour early to help set up the fields, and warm-up. We play year-round, two seasons; approximately 40 games per season. If you cannot play twice a week, please indicate your availability on the waver/application form. If you cannot attend a game, please notify your manager as soon as possible, so arrangements can be made to find a replacement. In addition, on Mondays, we have informal games (we call them “pick-up games”) at Pine Park, Carlsbad (except in the summer when they periodically move to Lake Park in Oceanside). Warmups beginning at 9 a.m. You can get a copy of the current season schedule on the Season Schedule page.
Our league plays in fields located in Carlsbad. Currently, we have ten teams. See your schedule for locations, or go to the Field Locations page.
Normally each player pays around $40 per season. This covers the league’s insurance, balls, and the use of the fields.
Each player must provide their own baseball glove, bat and shoes. Most teams have sponsors that provide team shirts. (The shirts are to remain with the team.) No metal cleats. Personal bats must be ASA approved and in good shape. No wooden bats. Composite bats, such as Miken’s Ultra II, may be used by women, or by players who are 75 years of age or older.
We adhere to Amateur Softball Association (ASA) rules, with some local exceptions. Generally, we have alternate bases at 1st and home plate to avoid collisions. We also allow “runners from home” for some batters. Players must play at least 4 innings defensively and bat throughout the game. Please see the Local Rules page for a complete explanation.
At the end of each season, the league has a draft which places players on each team. New players are assigned to a team during the season based on player capabilities and team requirements. No assignments are based upon players’ geographic location. You will be assigned on an individual basis unless you want to play with your spouse. If you have a special request, please make note of it on the waver/application.
Please complete/sign the Code of Conduct and Waiver.
Turn it in to a Manager or a Commissioner, and keep a copy of the Code of Conduct.
Also, please complete the Emergency Medical Information form.
This confidential information will be closely guarded.
If you do not want to provide this information, please include an Emergency Contact Name and phone number as a minimum.